Quality Level
Choice List
The quality screening level used in the manufacturing of the device. Choices are:
• Commercial
• Plastic
Diode Type
Choice List [Parts Count also]
Not required for the Thyristor subcategory.
The type of diode. Choices vary by subcategory.
[Voltage Parameters]
Not required for the Microwave Diode subcategory. For the Diode subcategory, not required when the diode type is one of the following: Transient Suppressors, Current Regulators, and Voltage Regulator, Ref, Zener.
For more information, see Voltage Parameters.
Rated Forward Current
Real (Amps)
Required only for the Thyristor subcategory.
The maximum rated forward rms current of the device.
# of Stacks
Required only for the Diode subcategory when the diode type is Rectifier, High Volt. Stacks.
The number of diodes stacked upon each other.
Construction Type
Choice List
Required only for the Diode subcategory.
The contact construction of the diode. Choices are:
• Metallurgically
• Non-Metallurgically/Spring Loaded
[Temperature Parameters]
For more information, see Comprehensive Temperature Parameters.
[Derating Parameters]
For more information, see Derating Parameters.