Calculation model
The model for which to make the environment or quality level available. Choices include (All Models), which is the default, as well as all licensed models that use quality levels and/or environments. (This excludes 217Plus, FIDES, IEC TR 62380, PRISM, and RDF 2000 models.). When (All Models) is selected, the environment or quality level is made available for all models. If you have licenses for multiple notices and/or issues, the choices include an (All) choice for them. For example, there may be (All 299B), (All Bellcore), and (All MIL-HDBK-217) choices.
The part category for which to make the environment or quality level available. Choices include All, which is the default, and all General part categories. When All is selected, the environment or quality level is available for all part categories.
The part subcategory for which to make the environment or quality level available. If All is selected for Category, only All can be selected here. If a specific part category is selected for Category, choices include All, which is the default, and all General part categories. When All is selected, the environment or quality level is available for all part subcategories.
The Pi factor used for the part in the specified model. The default is 1. However, you can enter whatever value to use for this model/category/subcategory combination.
• For an environment, this value is the Pi E factor.
• For a quality level, this value is the Pi Q factor.