Windchill Risk and Reliability Desktop Help > Windchill LCC > LCC Interface > Steps for Performing an LCC Analysis
Steps for Performing an LCC Analysis
The purpose of an LCC analysis is to compute the cost of a system over its entire life span. The LCC module allows you to define the cost breakdown structure (CBS) of the costs incurred over the life span of a system and then assign an equation representing the cost calculation to each CBS item.
This topic provides guidance on the steps you take to effectively and efficiently perform an LCC analysis. In addition to supplying general instructions and descriptions, this topic references other topics where appropriate.
These referenced topics typically describe how to perform the actions indicated.
The actions in the following table are numbered to indicate that they are performed sequentially. For accurate analyses, you must complete these actions in the order in which they are listed.
Open the Project’s LCC Variables file and insert any needed variables, alternatives, and/or time intervals to use in equations.
The LCC Variables file is a singular support file that stores the variables, system design alternatives, and time intervals to use in equations. For more information, see LCC Variables Files.
Open or create the System file and define the CBS.
In the LCC pane, define the CBS (cost breakdown structure) for the costs to analyze.
For each item in the CBS, enter a cost equation.
Once the CBS has been defined, enter a cost equation for each item. For more information on equation construction, see Calculation File.
Run calculations.
Once all data has been entered, run calculations. For more information, see LCC Calculations.
Generate reports and graphs.
Following LCC calculation, reports and graphs can be generated. For more information, see LCC Custom Graphs.