Verify FMEA Data Window
The Verify FMEA Data window provides for validating the construction and setup of your FMEA. The following table describes the options in this window. For more information, see Verifying FMEA Data.
Item warnings
The checkboxes below this heading indicate which checks to perform on FMEA items. By default, both checkboxes are selected.
Part has no Items
When selected, a check is performed to flag each part in the FMEA Tree that has no item records associated with it.
Assembly has no Items
When selected, a check is performed to flag each assembly in the FMEA Tree that has no item records associated with it.
Item Failure Rate is Zero
When selected, a check is performed to flag items where Item Failure Rate is equal to zero.
Item Percentage not equal to 100%
When selected, a check is performed to flag items where the sum of Item Failure Rate Percentage values for child records is not equal to 100. The actual sum is shown in the warning message. If Item Failure Rate Percentage is left blank, a value of 100 is assumed.
Mode warnings
The checkboxes below this heading indicate which checks to perform on FMEA failure mode data.
No Failure Modes
When selected, a check is performed to flag items that have no mode records.
Failure Mode is blank
When selected, a check is performed to flag mode records where Failure Mode is blank. This field is used for this check, regardless of whether it is assigned a custom prompt.
Severity is blank
When selected, a check is performed to flag records where Severity is blank. The data level (item, mode, cause, or effect) for this field is defined in the FMEA Design file.
Mode Percentage is not equal to 100%
When selected, a check is performed to flag FMEA items where the sum of Mode Percentage values for child mode records is not equal to 100. The actual sum is shown in the warning message. If Mode Percentage is left blank, a value of 100 is assumed.
Criticality Rank not defined
When selected, a check is performed to see if Criticality Rank is defined in the FMEA Design file. To calculate criticality rankings, this must be the case.
Risk Level not defined
When selected, a check is performed to see if Criticality Rank is defined in the FMEA Design file, and a second check is performed to see if this field is defined at the same level as Risk Level. To calculate risk levels, both Criticality Rank and Risk Level must be at the same data level.
Effect warnings
The checkboxes below this heading indicate which checks to perform on FMEA effect data.
No Effects
When selected, a check is performed to flag records that have no effects associated with them. When using a FMEA data structure that supports multiple effects, if the data level parent has zero effect records, then the parent record is flagged. For example, if you are using the item/mode/cause/effect data structure, if the Cause record has no child effects, then that Cause record is flagged.
Local Effect is blank
When selected, a check is performed to flag records where Local Effect is blank. The data level of the record flagged depends on the data level of this field in the FMEA Design file. If the structure supports multiple effects, then Local Effect is at the effect level. Otherwise, it is at the mode level.
Effect Percentage not equal to 100%
When selected, a check is performed to flag records where the Effect Percentage value for child records is not equal to 100. The actual sum is shown in the warning message.