Adding and Removing FMEA Associations from DVPs
From records in the FMEA DVPs table, you can add and remove associations with FMEA Tree Items records and FMEA Worksheet records.
1. In the FMEA DVPs table, click either FMEA Tree Items or Causes for the DVP. A browse button becomes available.
The special field that you select does not matter because clicking the browse button for either of them opens the Records Associated with ‘X’ window. The ‘X’ is the display field for the table. The default is DVP Identifier.
2. Click the browse button. The Records Associated with ‘X’ window opens.
3. In the navigation pane, select the page for the associations that you want to add or remove.
4. If you want to add associations, do the following:
a. Click Add. The Add Association Wizard starts and displays either the Select FMEA page or Select FMEA Tree Item page.
The Select FMEA Tree Item page is shown only if there are multiple FMEAs in the System file. The currently selected FMEA is the default.
b. If the Select FMEA Tree Item page is shown, select the desired FMEA and click Next. The Select FMEA Tree Item page appears.
The default is either the item currently selected in the System file or the first item. If desired, you can apply or create a filter to limit the items that are shown.
Multiple items can be selected when adding associations for FMEA Tree Items records. Only one item can be selected when adding associations for FMEA Worksheet records.
c. Select the items that you want to associate with the DVP and click Next.
If you are adding associations for FMEA Tree Items records, the Wizard Complete page appears. Go to step e.
Otherwise, the Select Cause page appears. To allow for multi-row selection, the table does not have merged cells. If desired, you can apply or create a filter to limit the records that are shown.
d. Select the failure mode causes that you want to associate with the DVP and click Next. The Wizard Complete page appears.
e. Click Finish. A window opens, indicating the number of associations that were added.
f. Click OK. The window closes.
5. If you want to remove associations, do the following:
a. If you want to remove only particular associations, select them and click Remove. Otherwise, click Remove All. A confirmation window opens.
b. Click Yes. The selected associations are removed.
6. If you want to add or remove associations for the other FMEA table, repeat steps 3 through 6.
7. If you want to go to the record for the active association in the table, click Go to Selected Record. The Records Associated with ‘X’ window closes, and this record is selected in the System file.
If multiple associations happen to be selected, you are taken to the record for the first selected association.
8. Otherwise, click Close. You return to the record that was active when you opened the Records Associated with ‘X’ window.
The special fields for FMEA associations are updated to display the number of records with which the DVP is associated. If you selected a record that is already associated with the DVP, this selection is ignored. This is because you do not want two associations with the same record.