Open File Window
The Open File window provides for opening any file in a Project. When you are working with Enterprise files, Project is not available if a file is open because you can open only other files in the same Project. When you are working with Team files, a browse button appears to the right of Project. You use this button to navigate to the Project folder where the file resides. For more information, see Selecting or Creating a File Using a Selection Window. The following table describes the options in the Open File window.
The Project in which the file to open resides. This option is available only if no files are open. The default is the last Project that you opened. If files are already open, the active Project is shown. This field is then display-only because you can open only other files in the same Project. In the Enterprise Edition, an < All Projects > choice is available. When you select it, all Projects for which you have permissions are shown in the Files list.
File type
The type of file to open. If you selected File > Open and a submenu command to open this window, the default is the file type for this submenu command. Otherwise, the default is System. You can select from any file type for the modules that are in use. When you select < All File Types >, files of all types are shown in the Files list.
A list of all files in the Project of the selected type. When files of this type are enabled in the Common Library, they are also shown. The names of these file are preceded by (Common) to distinguish them from the files in the Project. To open a file, you select it and click Open.
When no files are open, Windchill Risk and Reliability Project is a choice for Project. If you select it, read-only master files are shown in the Files list. If you select one of these files and click Open, it opens. You cannot open a master file from the Project Navigator or in the Project Properties window. You can open a master file only from the Open File window when Windchill Risk and Reliability Project is selected for Project. Additional information about master files appears in the following topics: