Monthly Updates
The Monthly Update window indicates whether an update for Windchill Risk and Reliability has been downloaded and is ready for installation. To download a monthly update, you must have an Internet connection. If an Internet connection cannot be established when the check for an update is performed, a window opens, indicating why it could not be downloaded.
• In the Enterprise Edition, a system administrator must select > from the application server, which is the machine on which Windchill Risk and Reliability is installed, to check the PTC website for updates. If no update is found, a window opens, indicating this. If an update is found, Windchill Risk and Reliability downloads the update and opens the Monthly Update window.
• In the
Team Edition, you can manually check for updates in the same manner as described above for the
Enterprise Edition. Additionally, you can have
Windchill Risk and Reliability automatically check for updates by selecting a frequency for > in the
Options window. For more information, see
General User Options. In this case, when you exit the application, the
Monthly Update window opens if a downloaded but uninstalled update is found.
The following table describes the options that can appear in the Monthly Update Available window.
Install the monthly update now
Install the monthly update when I exit Windchill Risk and Reliability
When selected, the Update Setup Wizard starts at the specified time to step you through the installation of the latest update.
Remind me the next time I run Windchill Risk and Reliability
When selected, the update is not installed. The next time you start Windchill Risk and Reliability, the Monthly Update window opens, asking whether you want to install the latest update.