Module Selections Toolbar
When you have multiple modules licensed, you can use the Module Selections toolbar to select the modules that you immediately want to use. Initially, this toolbar is shown in the toolbar area, which is at the top of the application.
Module Selections Toolbar
If the Module Selections toolbar is not visible, you can quickly display it. In the toolbar area, right-click and select Module Selections. Repeating this step switches between showing and hiding the toolbar. The Module Selections toolbar is shown when a checkmark appears beside the entry for it on this shortcut menu.
The criteria described in Module Availability determine the module buttons shown in this toolbar. To switch between showing and hiding the panes for a module in the System file, you click the button for this module. A box is shown around a module that is selected.
The following table shows all buttons that can appear in the Module Selections toolbar. It also provides assigned tooltips and descriptions. Your model selections and your preference for how to split System file windows are saved from one session to the next.
Toolbar Button/Tooltip
Opens Configure Selected Modules dialog
Opens the Configure Selected Modules window, which provides for making multiple changes to the modules which are selected for use. For more information, see Configure Selected Modules Window.
Split Windows Vertically
Switches the System file between an horizontal or vertical orientation. When this button is not selected (default), the file is split horizontally. When this button is selected, the file is split vertically. Clicking this button switches between clearing and selecting the checkbox for General > System file window splits horizontally in the Options window. For more information, see General User Options. From an open System file, selecting View > Split Windows Vertically also switches between clearing and selecting this checkbox.
Shows or hides the panes for the ALT module. For more information, see ALT Panes.
Event Tree
Shows or hides the panes for the Event Tree module. For more information, see Event Tree Panes.
Shows or hides the panes for the FMEA module. For more information, see FMEA Panes.
Shows or hides the panes for the FRACAS module. For more information, see FRACAS Standard Panes.
Shows or hides the panes for the FTA module. For more information, see FTA Panes.
Shows or hides the panes for the LCC module. For more information, see LCC Panes.
Shows or hides the panes for the Maintainability module. For more information, see Maintainability Panes.
Shows or hides the panes for the Markov module. For more information, see Markov Panes.
Shows or hides the panes for the Prediction module. For more information, see Prediction Panes.
Shows or hides the panes for the RBD module. For more information, see RBD Panes.
Shows or hides the panes for the Weibull module. For more information, see Weibull Panes.