Inserting Problem Team Members (Enterprise Projects Only)
If your administrator has set up the Problem Team Members table, when you insert a problem, you are inserted as a team member. You can also insert other team members. Only team members and administrators can modify the problem and its associations.
1. On the form with the Problem Team Members table, insert a record in this embedded table using any of the methods provided. The Select Team Members window opens.
2. For Name, enter the name of the user for which to search. Or, leave this field blank, which is the equivalent of using the * wildcard character.
3. For Group to search, select the user group to search. Choices are:
◦ < All > — When selected (default) all groups are searched, regardless of whether they are directly defined in the Administrator application or pulled in from LDAP servers.
◦ < Recently selected users > — When selected, up to the previous 20 users you have selected as a team member for a problem are searched.
◦ < Users in this System > — When selected, all users inserted in the Problem Team Members table for all problems in the System file are searched.
All other choices are groups defined in the Administrator application or pulled in from an LDAP server. When you select a group, only it is searched.
4. Click Search. When the search finishes, results display in the table.
The Available users column shows the users who were found. The Selected users column shows all users currently selected as team members.
5. If you want to add an available user to the team, double-click the user. A user can be added only once.
If you want to remove a user from the team, double-click this user in the Selected users column. You can also use the buttons provided to add users to and remove them from the team. For example, you can click Add All or Remove All to quickly select or clear all users and then customize your selections from there.
6. When you have finished selecting team members, click OK. When you return to the Problem Team Members table, all users in the Selected users column are shown in the Name column.
If any of the users you selected were already members, they are not added again.
7. In the Problem Team Members table, enter a role and remarks for team members if you want.
If you click in the Name field, a browse button becomes available. Clicking this button provides another way to open the Select Team Members window.