File Conversions
When a new Windchill Risk and Reliability version is installed, you can convert files from a previous version to the format required by this new version. When converting prior files, the original files are kept intact. The conversion process does not modifying these files in any way but simply creates new files in the format required by your new version.
For proper conversion, you must have read access to all files being converted as well as to the directories where they are located. You must also have read/write permission to Windchill Risk and Reliability directories and files. If you are unsure of your permission settings, contact your system Administrator or IT department.
You generally convert files from a previous version immediately following the installation of the new version. However, you can also convert prior files at any time after installation. For instance, even when you choose to convert prior files immediately following installation, you can convert all those only in one location. If you have prior files stored in multiple location, you must convert them later.
The topics in this appendix include: