Using Windchill FTA
The two Windchill FTA panes display the same information about your fault tree, but in different formats.
The top pane contains the following information:
• Problems — Displays a list of problems and is shared with several other modules.
• FTA Table — Displays an hierarchical table with columns of data. It provides an expandable/collapsible view of the fault tree data contained in the graphical view in the lower pane.
The bottom pane contains the following information:
• Problems Form — Displays a sample form for entering data about the active problem in the Problems table.
• FTA Diagram — Displays a graphical view of the fault tree, which is the most common view for developing and modifying fault trees. The top figure in the diagram is referred to as the top event. This is the primary event that the fault tree is built around. Shown below the top event is a set of gates and events. The events, either alone or in combination, cause the top event to occur. You can double-click a gate or event to view and edit its properties.