Entering Incidents
The main data element of your FRACAS is an incident or a failure report of some type. For this example, you enter an incident in the Tablet PC System file in your My Tablet PC Project. In any Project, you can customize the tables and forms in which you enter incident data.
1. In the System Tree Items table, select Touchpanel to display the incidents associated with this assembly in the FRACAS Incidents table.
2. In the last row in the FRACAS Incidents table, click <Click here to insert a new record>. A new incident is added. Both Incident ID and System Tree Item are filled in automatically.
Note that the newly entered incident appears in red. By default, all open incidents appear in red to highlight them. This is a setting that you can customize.
3. For Location, select Austin.
4. For Technician, select Arnold Palmer.
5. For Serial Number, enter 42661.
6. For
Occurrence Date, click in the field to make the calendar icon
available. Then, click this icon to display the calendar control.
7. Select today's date.
8. For Incident Description, enter Customer reports that the touchpanel is non-responsive in a certain area.
9. Leave the Closed? checkbox cleared. You select this checkbox only after the incident has been analyzed and corrective action implemented.
10. View the other data fields in the FRACAS Incidents table. Most of these fields are related to subsequent steps in the FRACAS process, such as corrective action, analysis, and close out. For this example, do not enter any further data.
It is often easier to enter and modify your FRACAS data on a form. A form allows you to view the data for one record at a time in a larger format for easier entry. In your FRACAS implementations, you can decide whether to use a table and/or a form. When both views are available, you can use which ever you find most comfortable.
To view and enter incident data on a form:
1. Select FRACAS Incident Form.
2. In the Incident Analysis area, for Date, enter today’s date.
3. For Analysis By, select Ethan.
4. For Analysis Description, enter Found hairline crack in upper right portion of the touchpanel. Contacted customer who reported that original shipping container had arrived slightly damaged.
5. For Failure Mode, select Cracked, Fractured.
6. Select the FRACAS Incidents table to return to this table.