Project Specific Domain
OData Entities
Navigation Properties
FMEA, FRACAS, FTA, Maintainability Prediction, RBD
System file shows the properties of the modules that you are currently using.
FMEAs, Problems, TreeItems, ControlPlans, DVPs, Incidents, Configurations, OperatingTimes, FTAs, UserCalculations, RBDDiagrams, Parts, Assemblies, MaintainabilityDatas
FMEA, FRACAS, FTA, Prediction, RBD
The System Tree Items table defines the hierarchical structure of the system for analysis.
AssociatedProblems, SystemTreeItemSubTable1s, SystemTreeItemSubTable2s, SystemTreeItemSubTable3s, AttachmentsSystem, UserAttachments1, UserAttachments2, UserAttachments3, UserAttachments4, UserAttachments5
FMEA, FRACAS, FTA, Prediction, RBD
The System Tree Items sub-table is the main table for the reports generation.
User, Group, Configuration, UserAttachments1, UserAttachments2, UserAttachments3, UserAttachments4, UserAttachments5
Graphs are special fields inserted in a Report Design file to display a graph.
The reporting capabilities within Windchill Risk and Reliability are extensive. They include the ability to view reports, print reports, generate reports to files, and create custom reports.
FMEA, FRACAS, FTA, Prediction, Maintainability, RBD
Support files helps user in viewing and setting various details modules-wise.
FMEAs, Problems, TreeItems, OperatingTimes, ControlPlans, DVPs, Configurations, FTAs, UserCalculations, RBDDiagrams, Parts, Assemblies, Incidents
FMEA, FRACAS, FTA, Prediction, RBD
List Library files allow you to define list items that are used throughout your System file, which ensures that your data is consistent and organized.
FMEA, FRACAS, FTA, Prediction, RBD
The List Definition provides for viewing and modifying the lists stored in the List Library file.
FMEA, FRACAS, FTA, Prediction, RBD
The List Choices pane provides for viewing and modifying the items for the list selected in the List Definition.
The Attachments field lets you insert external files as attachments. All files inserted as attachments are copied into a folder so that you can open them from Windchill Risk and Reliability.
FMEA, FRACAS, FTA, Prediction, RBD
A configuration is a specific system tree structure. In the System file for a newly created Project, a single configuration exists in the Configurations table, even though this table is hidden by default. When you insert assemblies and parts in the System Tree Items table, they are inserted in this default configuration.
SystemTreeItems, SystemTreeItemSubTable1s, SystemTreeItemSubTable2s, SystemTreeItemSubTable3s, AttachmentsConfiguration,, UserAttachments1, UserAttachments2, UserAttachments3, UserAttachments4, UserAttachments5
FMEA, FRACAS, FTA, Prediction, RBD
A problem is a higher-level issue that you have identified as being common to a subset of child records.
User, Group, ProblemSubTable1s, ProblemSubTable2s, FMEAWorksheetItems, AttachmentsAnalysis, AttachmentsCloseOut, AttachmentsCorrectiveAction, AttachmentsIncidents, UserAttachments1, UserAttachments2, UserAttachments3, UserAttachments4, UserAttachments5
FMEA, FRACAS, FTA, Prediction, RBD
A problem is a higher-level issue that you have identified as being common to a subset of child records.
User, Group, UserAttachments1, UserAttachments2, UserAttachments3, UserAttachments4, UserAttachments5
FMEA, FRACAS, FTA, Prediction, RBD
A problem is a higher-level issue that you have identified as being common to a subset of child records.
FMEA, FTA, FRACAS, Maintainability, Prediction
This entity describes user calculation details.
A control plan describes a method used to identify and minimize variations in the manufacturing process.
User, Group, FMEATreeItems, FMEAWorksheetItems, ControlPlanSubTable1s, ControlPlanSubTable2s, ControlPlanSubTable3s, UserAttachments1, UserAttachments2, UserAttachments3, UserAttachments4, UserAttachments5, References
A control plan describes a method used to identify and minimize variations in the manufacturing process.
User, Group, UserAttachments1, UserAttachments2, UserAttachments3, UserAttachments4, UserAttachments5
A DVP is a test or evaluation technique that is used to ensure that a design is reliable. DVPs help you to verify that product requirements are met.
User, Group, FMEATreeItems, FMEAWorksheetItems, DVPSubTable1s, DVPSubTable2s, DVPSubTable3s, UserAttachments1, UserAttachments2, UserAttachments3, UserAttachments4, UserAttachments5, References
A DVP is a test or evaluation technique that is used to ensure that a design is reliable. DVPs help you to verify that product requirements are met.
User, Group, UserAttachments1, UserAttachments2, UserAttachments3, UserAttachments4, UserAttachments5
A FMEA (failure mode and effects analysis) provides a method for analyzing a system design or process to evaluate the potential for failures.
FMEAListSubTable1s, FMEAListSubTable2s, Configuration, WorksheetItems, TreeItems, UserAttachments, UserAttachments2, UserAttachments3, UserAttachments4, UserAttachments5
A FMEA (failure mode and effects analysis) provides a method for analyzing a system design or process to evaluate the potential for failures.
User, Group, UserAttachments1, UserAttachments2, UserAttachments3, UserAttachments4, UserAttachments5
The FMEA Tree Items table defines the hierarchical structure for the FMEA selected in the FMEA Table.
AssociatedProblems, FMEATreeItemSubTable1s, FMEATreeItemSubTable2s, FMEATreeItemSubTable3s, ControlPlans, DVPs, AttachmentsSystem, UserAttachments1, UserAttachments2, UserAttachments3, UserAttachments4, UserAttachments5
The FMEA Tree Items table defines the hierarchical structure for the FMEA selected in the FMEA Table.
User, Group, UserAttachments1, UserAttachments2, UserAttachments3, UserAttachments4, UserAttachments5
The FMEA Worksheet table displays the failure data that has been inserted for the item selected in the FMEA Items Tree table.
User, Group, ControlPlans, DVPs, Problem, TreeItem, UserAttachments1, UserAttachments2, UserAttachments3, UserAttachments4, UserAttachments5
The FRACAS Incidents table serves as the repository for all incidents gathered for your system, product, or service. All failures related to components and processes in the development and delivery of a product or service are captured in incident records.
Configuration, MaintenanceLogs, SystemTreeItem, Problem, IncidentSubTable1s, IncidentSubTable2sAttachmentsIncidents, AttachmentsAnalysis, AttachmentsCorrectiveAction, AttachmentsCloseOut, UserAttachments1, UserAttachments2, UserAttachments3, UserAttachments4, UserAttachments5, User, Group
The FRACAS Incidents table serves as the repository for all incidents gathered for your system, product, or service. All failures related to components and processes in the development and delivery of a product or service are captured in incident records.
UserAttachments1, UserAttachments2, UserAttachments3, UserAttachments4, UserAttachments5, User, Group
In the FRACAS Maintenance Logs table, you record information about the unscheduled maintenance or repair of a system tree item. Maintenance logs address maintenance activities, costs, and the affected parts associated with addressing a particular incident.
OverrideSystemTreeItem, UserAttachments1, UserAttachments2, UserAttachments3, UserAttachments4, UserAttachments5
Operating time records establish the time basis for the collection of failure data.
Configuration, UserAttachments1, UserAttachments2, UserAttachments3, UserAttachments4, UserAttachments5
Fault trees provides useful information about the likelihood of a failure occurring and the means by which this failure could occur.
AssociatedProblems, CCFGroupUserAttachments1, UserAttachments2, UserAttachments3, UserAttachments4, UserAttachments5
A group of common cause failures is known as CCF group.
A common cause is an event or mechanism that can cause two or more failures (basic events) to occur simultaneously. The failures resulting from the common cause are called common cause failures (CCFs).
A reliability block diagram (RBD) is a diagrammatic method for showing how component reliability contributes to the success or failure of a redundant.
AssociatedProblems, Blocks, UserAttachments1, UserAttachments2, UserAttachments3 UserAttachments4, UserAttachments5
A reliability block diagram (RBD) is a diagrammatic method for showing how component reliability contributes to the success or failure of a redundant.
AssociatedProblems, UserAttachments1, UserAttachments2, UserAttachments3 UserAttachments4, UserAttachments5
An assembly is a collection of parts to make a product.
Parts are a database record of a component or assembly in the bill of material of a product that is manufactured and shipped to a customer.
The MaintainabilityData entity displays all maintainability specific data for the assembly or part selected in the system tree.
The RepairTasks entity displays all repair task specific records for the assembly or part selected in the system tree.
RBD Maintenance Library files are library files, which means that you can have multiple occurrences of this file type in the Project. RBD Maintenance Library files store the maintenance tasks that you want insert in multiple blocks.
FDIOutputDefinitions, TaskCodes, MaintainabilityGroups, TaskGroups
The unique code assigned to the task. The tasks inserted in Maintainability Task Library file are shown in the list for Task Code in the Repair tasks table in the Maintainability Data pane of the System file.
A Maintainability Groups file is a singular support file, which means it is created when the Project is created. You need to enter maintainability groups in this file only if MIL-HDBK-472 Procedure 5A is being used for maintainability predictions.
A task group is a collection of tasks that are taken in the repair of the failed item.
A task is a single step taken in the repair of the failed item.