MTTR Calculations Page
Under FRACAS in the Calculate window, the MTTR Calculations page provides for applying different filters to the MTTR (mean time to repair) calculation to compute as many as 10 different variations of MTTR calculations. For example, you can compute the MTTR for maintenance actions at the depot level or maintenance actions performed by a specified technician. For more information, see MTTR (Mean Time To Repair). By default, all calculations are cleared. You can click the Select All button or Clear All button to select or clear all calculations and then customize your selections from there. The following table describes the table columns on the MTTR Calculations page.
Provides for calculating variations of MTTR based on different filter selections. When the checkbox for a calculation is selected, the value is computed.
The data field in which to store the MTTR calculation result.
The filter to apply to the MTTR calculation. While the default is --No Filter--, which means that no filter is applied, you can apply any filter associated with the FRACAS Incidents table.