Windchill Risk and Reliability Desktop Help > Overview > Getting Started > Team File How-Tos > Viewing the Revision Listing for a Team File
Viewing the Revision Listing for a Team File
You open the Revision Listing window to see information about the changes made to an open Team file.
Select View > Revision Listing. The Revision Listing window opens.
Descriptions follow for the display-only table columns in this window. If desired, you can insert these fields in a Report Design file using the File Property Fields window. For more information, see Inserting a Report Object.
The revision numbers for all of the changes made to the file. This number is increased by one each time a change is made to the file.
The name for the Windows user account that was used to make the change. If Windchill Risk and Reliability cannot figure out the user account name, it displays (Unknown User).
The date and time that the change was made.
A description of the type of revision made.
To modify the comment that is shown for a revision, in the Revision Listing window, select the table record; then, below the table, enter the desired text for Comment.