Examples FMEA List Sub-Tables
The following are A few examples of the APIs available available in the Project-specific domain for FMEA Sub-tables.:
Getting FMEA Sub-tables 
To get FMEA sub-tables for a particular system, use the following GET URL.
GET /WindchillRiskAndReliability12.0-REST/odata/Project_<projectID>/Systems(<systemID>)FMEAs(<fmeaID>)/FMEAListSubTable1s
Getting User Attachments On FMEA List Sub-Table 
To get attachments for FMEA List Sub-table for a particular system, use the following GET URL.
GET /WindchillRiskAndReliability12.0-REST/odata/Project_<projectID>/Systems(<systemID>)FMEAs(<fmeaID>)/FMEAListSubTable1s(<fmeasubtableID>)/UserAttachments1
Getting Users on a FMEA List Sub-Table 
To get users on a specific FMEA List Sub-Table for a particular system, use the following GET URL.
GET /WindchillRiskAndReliability12.0-REST/odata/Project_<projectID>/Systems(<systemID>)FMEAs(<fmeaID>)/FMEAListSubTable1s(<fmeasubtableID>)?$expand=User
Getting Groups on a FMEA List Sub-Table 
To get groups on a specific FMEA List Sub-Table for a particular system, use the following GET URL.
GET /WindchillRiskAndReliability12.0-REST/odata/Project_<projectID>/Systems(<systemID>)FMEAs(<fmeaID>)/FMEAListSubTable1s?$expand=Group
Updating FMEA List Sub-Table 
To update a specific FMEA List Sub-Table for a particular system, use the following PATCH URL with the request body.
PATCH /WindchillRiskAndReliability12.0-REST/odata/Project_<projectID>/Systems(<systemID>)FMEAs(<fmeaID>)/FMEAListSubTable1s(<fmeasubtableID>)
Request Body
"Identifier": "ID3_Updated",
"UserText1": "testupdate"
Updating Users on a FMEA List Sub-Table 
To update users for a specific FMEA List Sub-Table for a particular system, use the following PUT URL.
PUT /WindchillRiskAndReliability12.0-REST/odata/Project_<projectID>/Systems(<systemID>)FMEAs(<fmeaID>)/FMEAListSubTable1s(1003)/User/$ref
Request Body
"@odata.id": "{{BASE_URL}}/Administration/Users(1002)"
Creating FMEA Sub-Tables 
To create a FMEA List Sub-Table for a particular system, use the following POST URL.
POST /WindchillRiskAndReliability12.0-REST/odata/Project_<projectID>/Systems(<systemID>)FMEAs(<fmeaID>)/FMEAListSubTable1s
Request Body
"UserText1": "testcreate1234556",
"UserYesNo1": true,
"UserYesNo2": false

Creating User Attachments On FMEA List Sub-Table 
To create a user attachment on the FMEA List Sub-Table for a particular system, use the following PATCH URL with the request body.
POST /WindchillRiskAndReliability12.0-REST/odata/Project_<projectID>/Systems(<systemID>)FMEAs(<fmeaID>)/FMEAListSubTable1s(<fmeasubtableID>)/UserAttachments1
Deleting FMEA List Sub-Table 
To delete a FMEA List Sub-Table for a particular system, use the following DELETE URL.
DELETE /WindchillRiskAndReliability12.0-REST/odata/Project_<projectID>//Systems(<systemID>)FMEAs(<fmeaID>)/FMEAListSubTable1s(<fmeasubtableID>)