Exampless for FMEA
The following are A few examples of the APIs available available in the Project-specific domain for FMEAs:
Getting FMEAs 
To get FMEA for a particular project, use the following GET URL.
GET /WindchillRiskAndReliability12.0-REST/odata/Project_<projectID>/Systems(<systemID>)/FMEAs
Getting Specific FMEAs 
To get a specific FMEA for a with expanded configuration properties, use the following GET URL.
GET /WindchillRiskAndReliability12.0-REST/odata/Project_<projectID>/Systems(<systemID>)/FMEAs(<fmeaID>)?$select=ID,FMEAType,FMEAIdentifier&$expand=Configuration($select=ID),TreeItems
Updating FMEA 
To update a FMEA, use the following PATCH URL with the request body.
PATCH /WindchillRiskAndReliability12.0-REST/odata/Project_<projectID>/Systems(<systemID>)/FMEAs(<fmeaID>)
Request Body
"<FMEAIdentifier": "FMEA_NAME"
Creating FMEA 
To create FMEA for a project, use the following PATCH URL with the request body.
POST /WindchillRiskAndReliability12.0-REST/odata/Project_<projectID>/Systems(<systemID>)/FMEAs
Request Body
"FMEAIdentifier": "FMEAName",
"FMEAType": "Functional"
Deleting FMEA 
To delete a FMEA, use the following DELETE URL.
DELETE /WindchillRiskAndReliability12.0-REST/odata/Project_<projectID>/Systems(<systemID>)/FMEAs(<fmeaID>)