Exampless for Parts
A few examples of the APIs available available in the Project-specific domain for parts are as follows:
Getting Parts 
To get the parts associated with a specific system, use to following GET URL
GET /WindchillRiskAndReliability12.0-REST/odata/Project_<projectID>/Systems(<systemID>)/Parts
Getting specific Part details 
To get details of a specific part, use to following GET URL
GET /WindchillRiskAndReliability12.0-REST/odata/Project_<projectID>/Systems(<systemID>)/Parts(<partID>)
Updating details for a specific Part 
To update details of a specific part, use to following PATCH URL
PATCH /WindchillRiskAndReliability12.0-REST/odata/Project_<projectID>/Systems(<systemID>)/Parts(<partID>)
Request Body
"Quality217": "C1"