FD&I Output Data Pane
The FD&I Output Data pane specifies the repair tasks associated with the output selected in the FD&I Outputs Definition pane. Descriptions follow of the columns in the table.
Task Code
The task to perform for the output selected in the FD&I Outputs Definition pane. For more information, see Codes. All tasks and task groups inserted in the Maintainability Task Library file appear in the list.
Qty Tasks
The number of times the task is performed for the FD&I output. The value must be an integer greater than 0.
Task Frequency
The frequency of occurrence of the task expressed as a percentage from 0 to 100. The frequency can also be considered to be the probability that the specified task will be performed. The value must be an integer from 0 to 100. The default is 100.
The repair time for the selected task.
This column and the next are display-only. Values are based on the repair time information entered in the Maintainability Task Library file.
Manhours (MMH)
The total manminutes (MMN) or manhours (MMH) for the selected task. In the Project properties, General > Repair Time units determines whether repair time units are minutes (default) or hours. For more information, see General Project Properties.
If no FD&I outputs are inserted in the FD&I Outputs Definition pane, the table in the FD&I Output Data pane is blank. Otherwise, when an FD&I output is selected in the FD&I Outputs Definition pane, clicking < Click here to insert a new record > in the last row in the FD&I Output Data pane inserts a new task. For more information, see Inserting Tasks for an FD&I Output.