Query Parameter
Filter the entities in a collection. Write an expression to display entities that result in a true value. OData supports filter expressions for all primitives.
Windchill Risk and Reliability REST Services supports this query parameter on navigation properties. See the Support for $filter on Navigation Properties section for more details.
Project_<projectID>/ListLibraries(<listlibraryID>)/ListDefinitions(<listdefinitionID>)/ListChoices?$filter=Hidden eq false
Filters hidden ListChoices.
Show a comma-separated list of entity properties. For example, in the URL you can list the FMEA attributes such as, FMEAType and FMEAIdentifier, to display only the FMEA Type and FMEA identifier of the FMEA.
Selects SystemTreeItems navigation to only show ID, ParentID, and SystemTreeIdentifier.
Show related resources, alongside retrieved resources, in a comma-separated list of navigations.
Expands TreeItems and Configuration navigation to only show ID properties of Configuration entities and all properties of FMEATreeItem entities.
Expands TreeItems navigation to only show ID and SystemTreeIdentifier properties of FMEATreeItems entities.
Show the first N entities in a collection.
/Project_<projectID>/Systems(<systemID>)/Incidents?$filter=SerialNumber gt '1'&$top=2
Shows the top two Incidents entities, with a Serial Number greater than one, from a collection of Incident entities.
Skip the first N number of entities in a collection, and display the set of entities as N+1 onward.
skips the top two Incidents entities, from a collection of Incident entities.
Sorts entities in ascending and descending order. The query parameter is supported for Primitive attributes—String, Boolean, Integer, Real Number (Double), Date, and Time types.
Sorts Graphs entities in ascending order of ProductModuleName.
Sorts Graphs entities in ascending order of ProductModuleName on which they were created, and then by Name:
Show the number of items in a collection. When including this parameter in a URL, specify the value as either true or false. If you do not specify any value, you will get an error message.
The count is returned in the response body as "@odata.count": <count_value>.
The following URLs support $count:
• Direct entities
• Navigation properties
• Expanded navigation properties
Returns the $count of all the projects available on the server.