Examples in Project Management Domain
The following are a few examples available in the Project Management domain:
Getting Project Management Meta-data 
To get Project Management metadata, use the following GET URL:
GET /WindchillRiskAndReliability12.0-REST/odata/ProjectMgmt/$metadata
Getting Projects 
To get all projects in Windchill Risk and Reliability, use the following GET URL:
GET /WindchillRiskAndReliability12.0-REST/odata/ProjectMgmt/Projects
Getting Specific Project 
To get a specific project in Windchill Risk and Reliability, use the following GET URL:
GET /WindchillRiskAndReliability12.0-REST/odata/ProjectMgmt/Projects(<projectID>)
Deleting a Project 
To delete a project in Windchill Risk and Reliability, use the following DELETE URL:
DELETE /WindchillRiskAndReliability12.0-REST/odata/ProjectMgmt/Projects(<projectID>)