Animation Tool Buttons
Tool buttons for the RBD Simulation Log appears under the title bar of the window containing this log.
Animation Tool Buttons
When the RBD Simulation Log first opens, the animation is not running, which means that no blocks in the diagram are highlighted. At this point, the Play and Step Forward buttons are the only ones available to you.
The following table shows the tool buttons when they are available for selection and provides the assigned tooltips as well as button descriptions.
Tool Button/Tooltip
When clicked, the animation is stopped and the block highlighting is turned off. This button if available only if the Play button was clicked and the animation is running.
Step Back
When clicked, the previous event in the log is selected. This button is available only if the animation is paused or stopped. The diagram corresponding to this event is selected in the diagram, and then the block corresponding to this event is selected as the dominant block. The highlighting of the block is updated according to its new state. If clicking this button starts the animation, then all of the other blocks are highlighted according to the legend's good state.
Step Forward
When clicked, the next event in the log is selected. This button is available only if the animation is not yet started or is paused. The diagram corresponding to this event is selected in the diagram, and then the block corresponding to this event is selected as the dominant block. The highlighting of the block is updated according to its new state. If clicking this button starts the animation, then all of the other blocks are highlighted according to the legend's good state.
When clicked, the animation plays all events in the log at the speed specified in the Simulation Animation Options window, which you open by clicking the Options button. This button is available only if the animation is not yet started or is paused. Clicking it saves you from having to click the Step Forward button to view the next event in the log.
[Animation Status Bar]
The animation status bar indicates where you are at in the simulation.
A red or green button appears to indicate the system state for the current point in the simulation. These icons correspond to the ones shown in front of the event identifiers in the table. A green circle with a checkmark indicates the system is operational after the occurrence of the event. A red circle with an X appears when the system is failed after the occurrence of the event.
When clicked, the Simulation Animation Options window opens so that you can view or modify user options. This button is always available. For more information, see Simulation Animation Options Window.
When clicked, the window switches between displaying the Animation tool buttons and the RBD Simulation Log and only the Animation tool buttons. This button is always available.