Variable Data
In the Variable data table, you specify parameters for the variable that is selected in the Variables table above. The parameters that appear in this table depend on the data type of the variable. The following table describes the properties that appear for a variable type.
A form with only one field, Value, appears. You enter the value to use for this variable across all calculations. For more information, see Specifying the Value for a Constant Variable.
Varies over Alternatives
A table with two columns appears.
Alternative Name. This display-only field lists all of the design alternatives in the Alternatives pane.
Value. The value to use for the variable for the selected design alternative.
Varies Over Alternatives &Time Intervals
A table with three columns appears.
Alternative Name. This display-only field lists all of the design alternatives in the Alternatives pane.
Time Interval Name. This display-only field lists all of the time intervals in the Time Intervals pane.
Value. The value to use for the variable for the selected design alternative/time interval combination.
Varies over Time Intervals
A table with two columns appears.
Time Interval Name. This display-only field lists all of the time intervals in the Time Intervals pane.
Value. The value to use for the variable for the selected time interval.