Workflow Fields in Tables and on Forms
To make use of a workflow process that is defined in the Workflow file, you must insert Workflow State in tables or on forms where workflow steps are completed. For informational purposes, you can also insert Date, Sent to Workflow State in tables or on forms.
To insert a field in a table, you can either open and insert the field in the Table Format file or use the Format Builder to insert the field when this table is active in the System file. For more information, see Table Format File How-Tos.
To insert a field on a form, you can use the Form Design Wizard or the Form Designer. For more information, see Form Design File How-Tos.
When the value for Workflow State is changed from the current step to any other step in the workflow process, the email message specified for that step in the Workflow file is sent. The current date and time is also entered in Date, Sent to Workflow State.
To include workflow information in reports, you can insert Workflow State and Sent to Workflow State in Report Design files. For more information, see Report Design File How-Tos.
An example of how you might use Workflow State with the FRACAS module follows. This example assumes that four Incidents forms are in use to move the incident through the FRACAS process.
While using a Workflow file or multiple FRACAS forms is not required in any way, using them can help you to streamline your FRACAS process.
Incident Form
Incident Entry
Supplies information about the occurrence of the incident
The data entry person responsible for capturing all of the information needed to get the process of resolving the incident started would complete this form. Once the necessary information is captured, for Workflow State, the entry person would typically select the next workflow state (such as Analysis). However, if during the recording of the incident, supplied information establishes the cause and corrective action, the entry person could potentially send the incident directly to the workflow state for performing this action (such as Corrective Action).
Incident Analysis
Records all relevant analysis information
The analyst responsible for reviewing and investigating the incident would complete this form as incident analysis results became available. Once the corrective action was determined and specified, for Workflow State, the analyst would select the next workflow state (such as Corrective Action).
Incident Corrective Action
Records all activities that occur during the implementation of a corrective action
The repair technician would implement the specified corrective, recording all actions and future recommendations, including any engineering or management changes. After the implementation is completed, for Workflow State, the repair technician would select the next workflow state (such as Close Out).
Incident Close Out
Indicates that the incident has been resolved
The responsible party would verify that the corrective action has either eliminated or reduced the occurrence of the problem. After this has been accomplished, he or she would select Closed? to close out the incident. This person might also indicate whether the incident was relevant and chargeable by selecting these checkboxes.