Verify Button
Clicking Verify in the Calculation Editor pane tests to see if the selected calculation is valid. A window opens, indicating the outcome. If the calculation is invalid, information about the error is shown in this window. When you finish reviewing this information, you click OK.
Invalid equations can result from:
Unrelated data fields. Fields not related to the table in which calculation results are stored cannot be used in the calculation. For example, if calculation results are stored in the FRACAS Incidents table, including a field in the FRACAS Maintenance Logs table makes the calculation invalid.
Violation of the one-level deep rule. When using aggregate functions with tables other than the FMEA Worksheet, the table type of the field used in the function can be only one level lower than the result table. For more information, see Field Functions.
Syntax errors. If the equation contains syntax errors, such as (1 +*/ 2), the calculation is invalid.
Mismatched parentheses or square brackets. If you forget an opening or closing parentheses or use square brackets instead of parentheses, the calculation is invalid.
Although validation of a calculation does not catch a divide by zero problem, an error message is shown if this situation exits when the calculation is performed.