Select File Window
The Select File window opens in many situations. For example, if you click a Graph Template, Import/Export Template, Report Binder, or Report Design file in the Project Navigator when two or more applicable files exist in the Project, the Select File window opens so that you can select the file to use for the report, graph, import, or export.
In the field for making a file selection, the < Select file...> label appears to indicate that you must select a file of the appropriate type. Clicking the browse button for this field opens a file selection window. When listing System files, the file selection window displays the hierarchy created by any System file folders that might have been inserted. For more information, see System File Folders. Once you click a file, you are returned to the Select File window, where your selection is shown.
Once you click OK, if additional items must be selected, such as a configuration or a specific diagram or item in the System file, windows open for making the necessary selections.