Search Validation
For searching purposes, currency, date, numeric, and yes/no fields are interpreted as text fields. When the field to search is one of these types, the search string is validated to ensure that it is valid. If the search string is not valid, the search is not performed. The following table describes the validation requirements for these field types. For more information, see Data Field Types.
Field Type
Validation Requirement
The search string must be a valid currency value.
The search string must be in a valid date format.
The search string must be a valid number. Scientific notation is accepted.
The search string must be one of the following: Yes, True, 1, No, False, or 0. While yes/no fields are formatted as graphical checkboxes in the System file, you must type one of the above values for Find what to perform a search. For example, to find the next record with a selected checkbox, you type one of these strings: Yes, True, or 1. If you type any other value, a window opens, indicating that only the Yes/No, True/False, and 1/0 formats are supported for searching.