Multiple Task Servers
If users of Windchill Risk and Reliability Web Services run lots of long-running tasks, such as calculations, you might want to set up multiple task servers. For example, assume Windchill Risk and Reliability is installed and running on Server 1. You can set up and run Relex.BusinessObjects.ITaskManager on another server named Server 2.
Server 2 Setup
1. Install core components of the Enterprise Edition on Server 2. You do not need to install web or client components or even the help on this machine. To install without the help, you must run the installer from the command line with the /NOHELP flag. For more information, see “Silent Client Software Installation on a Client Computer” in the Windchill Risk and Reliability Enterprise Installation GuideEnterprise Edition Installation Guide.
2. Modify appsettings.config to point to the RelEnt.rlx file on Server 1.
If the RelEnt.rlx file on Server 1 is not accessible, you can copy it from there to Server 2.
3. Because you need only the ITaskManager endpoint, modify clients.config on Server 2 to contain only the text that follows. For the endpoint address, be sure that you provide the server name and optional port for your installation.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<endpoint address="net.tcp://Server1:12171/Relex.BusinessObjects.ITaskManager"
4. Ensure that the LRT Service is running on Server 1. It must be running so that the Server 2’s Task Manager Service can register itself with Server 1’s service.
5. Start the LRT Service on Server 2.
Once this is completed, when users of Windchill Risk and Reliability Web Services run tasks such as calculations, they run on either Server 1 or Server 2.
Maximum Number of Tasks
If you want more control over where web tasks run, you can set the MaximumNumberOfTasks setting in appsettings.config. This value is machine-specific, which means that you set the value for each server independently. The default value is -1, which indicates that half of the available cores on the computer are to be used for calculations (rounded up). If you change this value on a particular server, you must restart the service on this server. In the earlier example, if you restart the service on Server 1, it might take Server 2 a few minutes to reconnect to it. You can either wait or restart the service on Server 2.