Post Installation Steps
Uninstalling MS Access Database Engine 2007 and Installing MS Access Database Engine 2016
After installing Windchill Risk and Reliability, you must update MS Access Database Engine 2007 to MS Access Database Engine 2016. Follow the steps below to update the MS Access Database Engine.
Uninstall MS Access Database Engine 2007
1. On the Windows Start menu, go to Settings > Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs.
2. From the list of currently installed programs, select Microsoft Access database engine 2007 and click Remove or Uninstall.
3. Follow the instructions on the uninstall dialog box. Click Yes or Finish to finish the uninstall process.
Install MS Access Database Engine 2016
1. Locate the AccessDatabaseEngine.exe file.
If you are using Windchill Risk and Reliability on a server machine, the AccessDatabaseEngine.exe file is found in the <Installation Directory>\Windchill Risk and Reliability\Client\Bin folder.
If you are running Windchill Risk and Reliability as a client, copy AccessDatabaseEngine.exe from the <Installation Directory>/Windchill Risk and Reliability/Client/Bin folder of your Windchill Risk and Reliability Enterprise server, to a folder on your hard disk.
2. Run the Command Prompt as Administrator.. Set the folder with AccessDatabaseEngine.exe file as your current disk.
3. Run the following command to install MS Access Database Engine 2016:
AccessDatabaseEngine.exe /quiet