Users and Groups Report Window
The Users and Groups Report window provides for selecting the user and group reports to write to separate sheets in the Microsoft Excel file. All Windchill Risk and Reliability groups or users appear before all LDAP groups or users. All LDAP groups and users are alphabetical as they are imported into Windchill Risk and Reliability. If a group or user name is later changed, it is out of order in the report.
The following table describes the options in this window. For more information, see Generating User and Group Reports.
Select worksheets to include in the report.
The checkboxes under this heading indicate which reports to generate as worksheets in the Microsoft Excel file. All checkboxes are selected by default. If you clear the checkbox for a report, it is not included in the Excel file.
Asterisks follow the three reports that must be selected to successfully import user and group data into a new installation: Groups per User, Groups, and Users.
Groups per User*
This hierarchical report lists each user along with all the groups to which the user belongs. It also indicates whether the user is a Windchill Risk and Reliability user or an LDAP user.
This report lists each group and all permission settings for the group. It also indicates whether the group is a Windchill Risk and Reliability group or an LDAP group.
Licenses per Group
This report lists each group and all of the licenses which the group can access. It also indicates whether the group is a Windchill Risk and Reliability group or an LDAP group.
Users per Group
This hierarchical report lists each group along with all the users that are part of the group. It also indicates whether the group is a Windchill Risk and Reliability group or an LDAP group. For LDAP groups, this report lists only Windchill Risk and Reliability users and LDAP users that have been brought into Windchill Risk and Reliability.
This report lists each user and all properties for the user. It also indicates whether the group is a Windchill Risk and Reliability group or an LDAP group. This report lists only Windchill Risk and Reliability users and LDAP users that have been brought into Windchill Risk and Reliability.
When clicked, the checkboxes for all reports are selected.
When clicked, the checkboxes for all reports are cleared.
Report file name
The name of the Excel file you want to create. By default, the file is saved to the My Windchill Risk and Reliability Files folder for your current version in your local Documents folder. You can click the browse button for this option to open the standard Windows Save As window, which you can use to navigate to a different directory.
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