OData, or Open Data Protocol, is an ISO/IEC-approved, OASIS standard for RESTful web services. OData enables the exchange of data across web clients using HTTP messages.
OData mandates that a web service must:
Declare an Entity Data Model, or EDM, at a well-known URL.
Provide a uniform way to form URLs for entities defined in the EDM.
Enable clients to send the HTTP requests POST, GET, PATCH, PUT, and DELETE on entity URLs for creating, reading, updating, and deleting entities.
Support request headers and query parameters.
Refer to the following resources for more information on OData, version 4.0:
OData.org—OData basics
Common Schema Definition Language (CSDL)—How to document the EDM of a service.
URL Conventions—How to form URLs for entities and entity sets of an OData service.