Warranty Parameters Pane for Other Data Formats
The Warranty Parameters pane for a warranty data set in the return dates or usages values format provides for identifying additional suspensions based on units surviving or remaining in operation after reaching some specified number of time units or intervals. It also provides for specifying a calculations end date. For the usage values format, you can choose to identify additional suspensions by either a time interval or a usage value.
Always keep units consistent for data sets in these data formats. The results are based on these same input units. For example, if you enter sales and returns values in units per month, the resulting Eta value is in months. Likewise, the units for the time to failure in the resulting data set is in months.
Warranty Parameters Pane for the Return Date Format Warranty Parameters Pane for the Usage Values Format
The following table describes all of the parameters that can appear in the Warranty Parameters pane for the return dates and usage values format.
Suspend after
Indicates whether to tag as suspensions all units that survive or remain in operation after reaching some specified number of intervals. When this checkbox is cleared (default), only those units that do not fail by the last return interval are tagged as suspensions. When it is selected, all units that survive or remain in operation after reaching the specified number of intervals are also tagged as suspensions. The field to the right becomes available so that you can enter a value. In the selection box for units, choices are Days, Months, and Years. The default is Years.
Usage units
Indicates whether to tag as suspensions all units that survive or remain in operation until reaching some specified usage value. This checkbox is shown only for the usage values data format. It and Suspend after are mutually exclusive. For this data format, additional units can be tagged as suspensions based on either reaching a specified number of intervals or a specified usage value. When this checkbox is cleared (default), Suspend after determines whether additional units are tagged as suspensions. When it is selected, all units that survive or remain in operation after reaching a specified usage value are tagged as suspensions. The field to the right becomes available so that you can enter a value. The Usage Parameters pane displays additional usage parameters required by this data format. For more information, see Usage Parameters Pane for a Warranty Data Set.
Calculations end date
Specifies the end date of the calculations. The default is one day after the latest date in the Weibull Forecast pane. For example, if the latest date in the Weibull Forecast pane is 8/31/2010, the default for this parameter is 9/1/2010. To modify the end date, you can either enter a new date in the format shown or use the calendar control. For more information, see Using the Calendar Control. If you specify a date that is later than the determined default date, then this specified date becomes the default.
Calculation results
The parameters that can be calculated or specified for each distribution/model combination differ. Calculated results appear in this area only after the data set has been calculated. To use a specific value for a parameter, you select Fixed? and then enter the value. For more information, see Models Per Distribution.