Predecessor Analysis
The predecessor product and the new product that replaces it can be either a top-most assembly (system) or a lower-level assembly. To perform predecessor analysis, the following conditions must be met:
The 217Plus or PRISM model must be licensed. When this is the case, you can use predecessor analysis with all but the FIDES, IEC TR 62380, and RDF 2000 models.
One System file must contain the predecessor assembly, and another System file must contain the new assembly. The Predecessor pane in both of these System files must be completed correctly.
In the System file containing the predecessor assembly, the cumulative number of operating hours and the number of observed failures during this time period must be specified in the Predecessor pane for the predecessor assembly. The reliability of the predecessor assembly must also be calculated.
In the System file containing the new assembly, the predecessor assembly must be identified in the Predecessor pane for the new assembly. To accomplish this, in the selection window for suppling predecessor information, you must specify the System file, configuration, and predecessor assembly.
For more information, see Performing Predecessor Analysis.
If predecessor and Bayesian analysis are both performed on the same assembly, predecessor calculations run before Bayesian calculations.