Entering Threaded Fasteners
The following table describes the part parameters required for threaded fasteners.
Tensile Strength
Real (psi). Used in Cl calculation.
The ultimate tensile strength of the fastener material.
Endurance Limit
Real (psi). Used in lambda b calculation.
The endurance or fatigue limit. On the S-N curve, which plots stress against the number of cycles to failure, the stress values become less as the data is plotted against an increasing number of failures. After the material has been stressed for a certain number of cycles, the graph becomes horizontal in the case of ferrous metals and alloys. This is referred to as the endurance limit. For more information, see Endurance Limits.
Load Type
Choice List. Used in Csz and Cl calculations.
The type of load applied to the fastener. The choices available are:
For torsion and shear load types, select Torsional.
Real (in). Used in Csz calculation.
The basic major diameter of the fastener in inches. For axial loading, this value may be ignored. For bending or torsional loads, the value must be from 0 to 2 inches.
Impact Category
Choice List. Used in Ci calculation.
The type of impact. Choices are:
Light — Includes rotating machinery such as motors, turbines, and centrifugal pumps.
Medium — Includes rotary and reciprocating motion machines, compressors, and pumps.
Heavy — Includes presses for tools and dies as well as shears.
Very Heavy — Includes hammers, rolling mills, and crushers.
Surface Coating
Choice List. Used in Csc calculation.
The type of coating with which the surface is treated with. Choices are:
Zinc Electroplating
Other Electroplating
Metal Spraying
The Other Electroplating choice includes chromium, nickel, and cadmium electroplating.
Thread Type
Choice List. Used in Ck calculation.
The type of fastener thread. Choices are:
SAE Grade
Choice List. Used in Ck calculation.
The range that defines the SAE Grade of the fastener Choices are:
Temperature Rise
Real (Degrees C). Used in Ct calculation.
Required only for steels at greater than 71 degrees C.
The temperature rise from the ambient subassembly temperature to this component. The temperature rise plus the ambient temperature is equal to the operating temperature of the device.