Markov Object Descriptions
The following table describes the objects that can appear in a Markov diagram. Each object in the Markov diagram has its own set of properties. For more information, see Markov Object Properties.
A figure that represents a good, failed, or degraded state of the system. A state is inserted for each good, failed, and degraded system state to consider in the analysis. The initial or primary state has a bold arrow pointing to it. This system state is usually where all equipment is operational. Calculation properties are assigned to all system states.
The lines that connect the states to indicate the transitions that can occur between states. Transitions can join any two states. A repair rate is assigned to each transition. The points at which transitions attach to a state are called connection points.
A text string that provides information that might be necessary or helpful to understanding the Markov diagram.
The Markov Diagram pane displays the diagram selected in the Markov Table. In the diagram, you can insert any number of states. Once all good, bad, and degraded states to analyze are inserted, they must be connected to reflect the transitions that occur. The Markov diagram can then be evaluated from the initial state through all paths until a failed state is reached. For a state to be included in the calculation results, it must be part of a connected path in the Markov diagram.