LCC Pane
The LLC pane displays what is generally called the cost breakdown structure (CBS) or work breakdown structure (WBS). In this pane, you define a hierarchical tree of the various items whose costs are to be analyzed. The following table provides column descriptions. You cannot customize this table.
The name of the item. By default, the top item is named LCC. However, you can change it to whatever you want.
Indicates whether to include the item in the calculations. When this checkbox is cleared (default), the item is included. When it selected, the item is excluded.
The description of the item.
This hierarchical tree is similar to the one in the System Tree Items table. For more information, see System Tree Items Table. The only significant difference is that it has no notion of a part, which is a lowest-level item that can have no child items. All items are assemblies, which can have both sibling and child items. You can copy and move the items in this table using standard Windows methods.