Graphic Page
The Graphic page in the Properties window for a gate or event allows you to select and insert an image file in its text box. The following table describes the properties on this page.
Image file
The name of the image file to insert in the text box for the gate or event. You can click the browse button for this property to open a selection window. You use the options provided in this window to navigate to and select the image file. Supported choices for file types are:
Bitmap Files (*.bmp, *.dib)
Exif Files (*.exif)
GIF Files (*.gif)
JPEG Files (*.jpg)
PNG Files (*.png)
TIFF Files (*.tif)
Windows Metafiles (*.wmf, *.emf)
Embed image
Indicates whether to embed the image file. When this checkbox is selected (default), the file is embedded. When this checkbox is cleared, the file is linked.