Why Use Windchill FRACAS?
The benefits of using Windchill FRACAS are both immediate and extremely valuable. Benefits include its ability to:
Provide easy data access to all specified audiences.
Store incident, analysis, and corrective action information in a database so that this information can help to determine the root cause of a failure.
Document the corrective actions that were implemented and verified to minimize the recurrence of a specific failure mode.
Enable you to respond more effectively to problems and avoid the negative impact of recurring failures or faults, such as cost, schedule delays, and decreased customer satisfaction.
Perform MTB (mean time before/between) calculations and Reliability, Availability, Failure Rate, MTTR (mean time to repair), and cost calculations.
Provide full-featured reporting and graphing capabilities for exploring failure trends and generating both user-level and management-level reports.
The FRACAS module truly provides a closed-loop system. It includes provisions to ensure that effective corrective actions are taken on a timely basis. You can perform a follow-up audit to review all open incident reports, analyses, and corrective action dates, and then easily report delays or improper implementations to management.
A FRACAS can be initiated early in the design cycle and used throughout the maintenance time period in a product life cycle. This means that you can report on all failures occurring in the development, testing, production, acquisition, and service phases is possible.
The FRACAS module also provides accurate documentation on time-related or operational system data. Therefore, it includes the means for establishing and recording cumulative test time and operational time on all the equipment, during their development and service time. These records can then be used for calculating failure rates and associated trends.
Companies known for providing highly reliable products have identified a comprehensive closed-loop FRACAS as one of the most critical elements in their reliability programs. Once the FRACAS module is licensed, you can begin using it to capture, optimize, and deliver all relevant incident, analysis, and corrective action information.