FMEA Risk Matrix Files
The FMEA Risk Matrix file is a singular support file, which means only one occurrence of this file type can exist in the Project. This file, which is created when the Project is created, has two panes. In the upper pane, you insert risk matrix definitions. In the lower pane, you specify properties for the active definition. Because you set up this file so that you can consider criticality and risk in your analysis, the end result is a FMECA. The following table describes the two panes in the FMEA Risk Matrix file.
Risk Matrix Definition
Displays all definitions inserted in the file. Clicking < Click here to insert a new record > in the last row inserts a new definition.
Risk Matrix Settings
Displays a Configure Risk Matrix button, which you click to open a window with the same name. On the property pages in this window, you select fields for axes used to classify potential failure modes according to their severity and probability of occurrence. You also specify a risk level field.
You can directly modify the table records in the Risk Matrix Definition pane. You can also delete, copy, cut, and paste records in the same manner as you do in the System file.