Windchill Risk and Reliability Desktop Help > Windchill FMEA > FMEA Interface > FMEA How-Tos > Assigning Process Numbers to FMEA Tree Items
Assigning Process Numbers to FMEA Tree Items
The Create Process Numbers window provides for assigning numbers to items in a FMEA tree so that you can more easily locate a particular item. Numbering FMEA tree items is especially helpful if control plans and/or DVPs (design verification plans) are associated with these items or with their failure causes. The numbering can be sequential or in an outline format.
1. In the FMEA Table, select the FMEA tree with the items to number.
2. Select the FMEA Tree Items table to make it active.
3. Select FMEA > Create Process Numbers. The Create Process Numbers window opens.
4. Complete this window, referring to the following table for option descriptions. The selections that you make in this window are saved as the defaults for the next time it opens.
Process Number field
The data field in which to store the process number. Choices include several text and memo fields from those in the FMEA Tree table. The default is Process Number.
Numbering format
The format to use for assigning numbers to FMEA Tree items. Choices are Sequential and Outline. The default is Sequential.
Number the top level item
Indicates whether to number the top-level item (system). This check box is cleared by default. If you want to assign a process number to the top-level item, you would select this checkbox.
When Outline is selected for Numbering format, this checkbox should probably be cleared. Otherwise, the top-level item is numbered 1, and all other items beneath it are numbered 1.X, such as 1.1, 1.1.1, 1.2, and so on. Consequently, no item is ever numbered 2.
5. When finished, click OK. A window opens, displaying processing information as items are numbered.
Process numbers are stored in the field that you selected for Process Number field in the Create Process Numbers window.
6. Insert the field in which process numbers are stored in the FMEA Tree pane. For more information, see Using the Format Builder to Modify an Enabled Table.