Deleting a Project or File from the Project Navigator
From the Project Navigator, you can delete a Project when you are in the Project/System selection state, or you can delete a file when you are in the file selection or file open state. For more information, see Project Navigator States. In the file open state, you cannot delete a file that is open. If you attempt to delete an open file, a window opens, indicating that the file cannot be deleted. Once you click OK, you can close the file and then delete it.
In the Enterprise Edition, you must have Can delete Projects permission to delete a Project. If you do not have this permission, you are unable to delete a Project. This user permission is set by your system administrator in the Administrator application.
1. In the appropriate state of the Project Navigator, right-click the Project or file and select Delete. If this command is unavailable, you do not have Can delete Projects permission.
A confirmation window opens because the deletion of a Project or file cannot be undone.
2. Click Yes.
You cannot delete singular support files from a Project. If you right-click one, the Delete command is unavailable. If you delete a singular support file outside of Windchill Risk and Reliability, the application creates the default version of this file the next time that it is needed.