Creating an Excel Spreadsheet with Table Data
In the System file, you can save the data shown in the active table to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet in one easy step.
On the standard toolbar, click Excel Spreadsheet.
Create Excel Spreadsheet Button
Additionally, in many places where calculated results are shown in tables, an Excel button provides this same functionality.
Excel Button
When you click either of these buttons, the data in the active table is saved to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet, which Windchill Risk and Reliability attempts to open. The data is this spreadsheet that has no formatting applied. A few guidelines concerning the values in this spreadsheet follow.
For checkbox fields, a 1 appears if the checkbox is selected, a 0 appears if it is cleared. A number sign (#) indicates that the field still contains its original default value.
If the field data is longer than can be shown in the default column width, a series of number signs (#####) appears. After selecting all rows in the Excel spreadsheet, from its menu, select Format > Column > Autofit Selection to resize the columns so that the data in these fields visible.