Windchill Risk and Reliability Desktop Help > Overview > Features > Filters > Filter File Panes > ‘Contains’ Condition in Unicode-Enabled Oracle Databases
‘Contains’ Condition in Unicode-Enabled Oracle Databases
When the contains condition is used with a memo field in a Oracle database with Unicode enabled, filter results do not include records where the search string is located at the end of the memo field. For example, if Remarks contains ‘def’ is the search string, the filter results include abcdefg but not abcdef. This problem does not occur in Oracle databases where Unicode is not enabled. Workarounds follow for both contains and does not contain conditions for Oracle databases with Unicode enabled.
For a search string with a contains condition, use the Or conjunction to add an ends with condition to the filter, using the same search string used for the contains condition. For instance, you would change the above search string to Remarks contains ‘def’ OR Remarks ends with ‘def’ to return the correct results in a Unicode Oracle database.
For a search string with a does not contain condition, use the And conjunction to add a does not end with condition to the filter, using the same search string used for the does not contain condition. For instance, you would change Remarks does not contain ‘def’ to Remarks does not contains ‘def’ And Remarks does not end with ‘def’ to return the correct results in a Unicode Oracle database.