Configurations Table
A configuration is a specific system tree structure. In the System file for a newly created Project, a single configuration exists in the Configurations table, even though this table is hidden by default. When you insert assemblies and parts in the System Tree Items table, they are inserted in this default configuration.
To perform reliability analyses on slightly different variations of the system, you can insert additional configurations in the Configurations table. However, to show this table in the System file, you must turn it on in the Table Settings pane in the Project properties. Additionally, in this same pane, you can specify a custom name for this table if desired. For more information, see Table Settings (Project).
Once you turn on the Configurations table and then close and reopen the System file if necessary, this table is shown. You can then use it to insert and manage multiple configurations. For more information, see Table How-Tos.
When you insert a configuration in the Configurations table, it inherits all assemblies and parts in all existing configurations. To indicate which assemblies and parts are applicable to this new configuration, you use the System Tree Item Configurations window. For more information, see System Tree Item Configurations Window. The System Tree Items table displays the configuration that is selected in the Configurations table.
The Table Format file for the Configurations table determines the data fields that appear. The following table describes the fields that are shown by default. For more information, see Table Format Files.
Configuration Identifier
The unique identifier assigned to the configuration. The format is specified by Configuration Identifier, which appears under Identifiers in the System file properties. For more information, see Identifiers System File Properties.
Site, Configuration
The location where the configuration is deployed.
The number of systems with this configuration that have been deployed. This value is used when calculating equivalent time, which is then used in FRACAS MTB calculations. For more information, see Equivalent Time.
Production Site
The site where the configuration was manufactured or produced.
Shipment Date
The date that the configuration was shipped from the manufacturing site.
Any notes or comments about the configuration.
To have different fields appear in the Configurations table, you can modify its Table Format file (Table Format (Configurations). This is very easily done using the Format Builder. For more information, see Using the Format Builder to Modify an Enabled Table.
In the Configurations table and on its forms, you can insert calculation result fields from the following modules: FRACAS, Maintainability, and Prediction. You cannot insert FMEA calculation results fields because a FMEA does not directly link to a configuration. When calculation result fields are shown, the value is for the top-level item for that configuration.