Introduction to Windchill Risk and Reliability
Introduction to Windchill Risk and Reliability
This help assumes that you are operating the Windchill Risk and Reliability Tryout version. However, you can also use this help with a licensed version of Windchill Risk and Reliability.
Once installed, the Tryout version is active for 30 days. When the 30-day trial period expires, a message box opens when you attempt to start Windchill Risk and Reliability. Please contact us if you are ready to purchase Windchill Risk and Reliability or need further information about your evaluation.
While the Tryout version limits the amount of data you can add to your Projects, it still enables you to fully explore all of the software’s capabilities. During operation, if the data limit for a particular data element is reached, a warning message indicates that no further data can be added.
There are a few important points to take note of when using this help:
First, review the sections Getting Started and Common Features. These sections introduce you to the basic concepts of Windchill Risk and Reliability. Once you have reviewed these sections, you can continue with any of the module-specific sections or progress step-by-step through each section.
You do not have to complete the module-specific sections in any particular order. However, this help assumes that, individually, each section is completed from beginning to end.
The Windchill Risk and Reliability Tryout version is based on the Team Edition. You can use this help with the Enterprise Edition as well. Although there are differences between these two Editions, the majority of the features and functionality described in the help are the same. One significant difference is that in the Enterprise Edition, you are required to log in using a Windchill Risk and Reliability user name and password. It is also possible that in the Enterprise Edition, some functions described in the help might be unavailable to you, depending on permissions set by your system administrator
You can open a PDF version of this help by selecting Help > Getting Started Guide. Or, from the Start Page window, you can click the Getting Started Guide: A Step-by-Step Tutorial link in the Links section. You can print this file if you prefer a hard copy of the guide.
We hope that you find this section helpful as an introduction to Windchill Risk and Reliability. Once you are comfortable with the basics, you will find further details on the wide array of features available by accessing the help, which provides comprehensive information about all aspects of Windchill Risk and Reliability.