Creating a Project from an Existing Project
In some cases, you might want to create a Project from an existing Project. The existing Project can be one you set up yourself, or it can be a supplied template or sample Project. Windchill Risk and Reliability includes several templates and one sample Project that you can use as a starting point for creating a Project. You might find that a template creates a Project that is close to what you need, requiring only minor modifications.
This topic describes how to create a Project based on the Tablet PC Sample Project. The Project that you create here is then used throughout the remainder of this guide.
As mentioned earlier, in the Enterprise Edition, only system administrators can create Projects. If you are a system administrator, create a Project from the Tablet PC Sample Project and then tell users of this application how they can open this System file to use it for the remainder of this guide.
1. In the Project Navigator, click Create new Project. The Create Tryout Project window opens.
2. For Name, enter My Tablet PC.
3. Select Run New Project Wizard.
4. Click OK. The New Project Wizard starts and displays the Select Project Starting Point page.
If a Project with this name is found, a window appears with the message that the Project already exists. You can either cancel the Project creation or enter a different name to create the Project.
5. Select Create from a Sample Project and click Next. The Select Project page appears.
6. Select Tablet PC Sample and click Next. The Wizard Complete page appears.
7. Click Finish.
Progress indicators appear as the Project is created. Once this process is complete, the newly created Tablet PC System file in the My Tablet PC Project opens.