ReadRecord Functions
The following functions return the value of one or more fields in one or more specified table records.
ReadRecord—Returns the value of a field in the specified table.
ReadRecordSession—Returns the value of a field as described in the previous bullet using a session token returned by the GetSessionToken function.
ReadRecordMultipleValues—Accepts a list of fields to read back from the record. This allows you to read out a record that user calculations or FRACAS lookups modified in only one step.
ReadRecordMultipleValuesSession—Accepts a list of fields to read back from the record using a session token returned by the GetSessionToken function.
Because returning values for multiple fields in multiple tables is complex, these functions are not usable from the dataengine.asmx test page on the server. When you click one of these functions, only a function description is shown.
The following is the syntax for an HTTP request using the ReadRecord function:
POST /WindchillRiskandReliability12.0/DataEngine.asmx/ReadRecord HTTP/1.1
Host: HostName
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: length

The ReadRecord and ReadRecordMultipleValues functions use the login parameters for Windchill Risk and Reliability user accounts. The ReadRecordSession and ReadRecordMultipleValuesSession functions use the single login parameter for sessions. For more information, see Login Parameters.
In addition to login parameters, all ReadRecord functions use these parameters:
ProjectName—The name of the Windchill Risk and Reliability Project. This value is case-sensitive.
SystemName—The name of the System file. This value is case-sensitive.
Table—The name of the Windchill Risk and Reliability table in which the record is located. This value is case-sensitive.
Identifier—The identifier of the record that you want to modify. This value is not case-sensitive.
For the List Definition and List Choices tables, the identifier refers to the Display Text field.
AdditionalIdentifier—The second identifier of the record that you want to modify. This parameter is only required for the FMEA Worksheet and List Choices tables. This value is not case-sensitive.
For the FMEA Worksheet table, the value is the level of the FMEA data. Depending on your FMEA data structure, this can be one of the following. Item, Mode, Cause, Effect, or Action. If custom labels are assigned to data levels in the properties for the Project’s FMEA Design file, you can also use these values.
For the List Choices table, the value is that in the Display Text field for the parent List Definition record.
FieldName—The name of the field from which you want data returned. This value is case-sensitive. You can use ReadRecord functions to read the data in the FMEA Tree Items field on the FMEA Control Plans table and FMEA DVPs table. You can also use ReadRecord functions to read the data in the Associated Problems field. The returned values are the identifiers for associated records in a semicolon-separated list. For example, assume that the returned values for a record that is associated with three problems are: Problem1;Problem4;Problem13.
The following is an example of an HTTP POST request using the ReadRecord function:
POST /WindchillRiskandReliability12.0/DataEngine.asmx/ReadRecord HTTP/1.1
Host: vm-test
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: length

UserName=Bill&Password=passwd&GroupName=Manager&ProjectName=Tablet PC &SystemName=Tablet PC&Table=System Tree Items&Identifier=A5 &FieldName=Part Number
If the user is authenticated and the specified parameter values are found, the display value of the requested field is returned.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<DataEngineResponse xmlns="">
If the call fails, the AdditionalData tag provides the reason for the failure.
Specifying Multiple Values
The ReadRecordMultipleValues and ReadRecordMultipleValuesSession functions are among those that use the FieldList parameter to specify multiple fields. For more information, see Multiple Field Requests.