Windchill Risk and Reliability Administrator > Administrator Basics > Getting Started How-Tos > Specifying the Chunk Size for Attachment Transfers
Specifying the Chunk Size for Attachment Transfers
When attachments are uploaded to and downloaded from the Windchill Risk and Reliability application server, they are broken into subsets of data called chunks. By default, the size of each chunk is 64 kilobytes. However, on high-latency networks, increasing the chunk size generally increases performance.
1. On the application server, open the appsettings.config file in a text editor.
When the default installation directory is used, the location is probably:
C:\Program Files(x86)\PTC\Windchill Risk and Reliability 12.0\Windchill Risk and Reliability
2. Look for <add key="AttachmentChunkSize" value="X" /> so that “X” is the desired chunk size.
If this setting is not present, or if the value “X” is less than or equal to zero, the default value of 64 is used.
3. Insert or modify <add key="AttachmentChunkSize" value="X" /> so that “X” is the desired chunk size.
For example, to make the size of each chunk 128 kilobytes, the setting would look like this:
<add key="AttachmentChunkSize" value="128" />
4. Save your changes and close the file.