专业化管理 > 使用属性和命令行实用程序 > Local and Shared Team Command Line Utilities
Local and Shared Team Command Line Utilities
After working with your application contexts, you could find that you want to ease team membership administration and improve performance through the use of a shared team rather than a local team. Using the following utilities, you can add a shared team to an existing context, remove the local team, move all team members to the shared team and maintain their roles, and remove roles from a local team.
To view help output for each utility, run the following commands:
Add Shared Team to Contexts
windchill wt.inf.team.AddSharedTeamToContexts
Delete Local Team and Move Members
windchill wt.inf.team.DeleteLocalTeamAndMoveMembers
Delete Local Team Roles
windchill wt.inf.team.DeleteLocalTeamRoles