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Unless part 300 has been created in the distribution target by a previous publishing activity, the request fails in the distribution target when attempting to create BOM 100-A. Part 300 is not created for distribution target 1. As a general rule, every component of an assembly must be assigned to all of the distribution targets that are assigned to the assembly. The components may also be assigned to additional targets; however, in order to publish a component part successfully, such targets should belong in the same ERP Connector destination(s) as those that are assigned to the parent assembly. Also based on the organization that the object belongs to, an object can have a default distribution target assignments upon triggering its publication.
The failure associated with the creation of BOM 100-A, as described in the above paragraph is actually with respect to the actual destination ERP system that the data is eventually published to. In other words, it applies to a case where the product is configured to use closed loop transactions.